Truffle Install

In this guide, we will walk you through the following topics:

· Dnero support for the Ethereum RPC API suite.

· Support for smart contract development tools, including Truffle.

Ethereum RPC API support is on our github.


Using Truffle for DApp development on Dnero is pretty much the same as on Ethereum. This page will take you through the basics of testing a smart contract and deploying it to the Dnero Mainnet through truffle. In particular, we will use the following simple "coin-like" smart contract project for the demo:

Install Truffle

If you haven't done so, please follow the instructions below to install the Truffle suite. NodeJS v8.9.4 or later is required. For readers that are not yet familiar with Truffle, please click here to learn more.


npm install -g truffle

Last updated